May 28, 2021 Update
- Live streaming will continue for the worship and class time
- A section of the balcony is still reserved for mask wearing and social distancing
- All Bible classes will open up on Sunday, July 4th, the first day of next quarter
- Due to the relaxing of CDC guidelines and local restrictions, masks are now optional in the church building
Thank you to all our members for your continued support and may we strive to grow together in love and good deeds.
November 18, 2020 Update
In John 21:17, Jesus told Peter to “Feed My sheep”. This pandemic has made it difficult for all of us to get the spiritual food and care that we need and desire. Many of us want to “get back to normal and start having kids classes and fellowships”. And many of us want “to reduce the risk as much as possible, so we can come back to services”. We believe that it is our common desire to meet the needs of one another – those who want to be able to worship and fellowship safely together and those who want our children and teenagers to be able to start having Bible classes.
The elders, deacons, and ministers have met and discussed different ways to meet these goals.
We believe the best way to meet the needs of our congregation at this time is for:
- all of us to wear masks in the building so we can start having children’s Bible classes and some basic fellowships like teen devos
- reserve the balcony as a “safe zone” for those who are at-risk and those who would like to minimize interaction and contact with others
Our plan is to continue with two Sunday services – 8am and 10am with Bible classes for all ages in between from 9:15am – 9:45am.
We will have Wednesday Bible classes for all ages at 7pm.
Our children’s classes will be utilizing the large classrooms in the building. We will not be using any of the small classrooms in the back hallways so some of the classes will be combined. We will be sending out a survey today to get an idea of class sizes and how to combine classes. During the children’s Bible classes, the teachers and those who are age 3 and older will be wearing masks and practicing social distancing as much as possible. The adults will continue meeting in the auditorium.
In the main auditorium and balcony, we will continue to follow the social distancing seating guidelines. In the main auditorium, once you have been seated and you are socially distanced from others, you may remove your masks temporarily. Please put them back on after class or worship or if you leave your seating area.
We ask that those sitting in the balcony safe zone continue wearing your mask at all times.
We plan to make it easy and convenient for those sitting in the balcony to safely enter and exit and minimize contact with others.
Streaming services will continue for those who are sick, in quarantine, or need to protect themselves or “at-risk” family members.
Our plan and goal is to start children’s Bible classes at the building in December. We will announce a specific date soon. We’ll start wearing masks in the building this Wednesday, November 18th.
In Acts 2:44-45, the first Christians “were together and had all things in common and sold their possessions and goods and divided them among all, as anyone had need.” They did whatever was necessary to support one another. During this difficult time, we can also do whatever is necessary to support one another.
We are so blessed to have a congregation of brothers and sisters who love and care for one another and are willing to do whatever it takes to support one another and who demonstrate that in many ways.
If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to speak to one of the elders, deacons, or ministers and we will try to provide as much information as we can.
September 14, 2020 Update
Dear brothers and sisters:
As COVID-19 cases continue to rise in Missouri and all over the country, we expect that some attending services will get sick with the virus. Here is how we would like to handle this situation.
If you contract COVID-19, we ask that you contact the office so we can all pray for you. Also, please let the office know if you have been at church services or with church members anytime from two days prior to when you started having symptoms until the present time.
We will then notify the congregation so that those who have been in close social contact can self-quarantine for 14 days.
The CDC (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/faq.html) defines close social contact as “anyone who was within 6 feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes starting from 48 hours before the person began feeling sick until the time the patient was isolated.”
To self-quarantine: Contacts are encouraged to stay home, monitor their health, and maintain social distance (at least 6 feet) from others until 14 days after their last exposure to the infected patient, in case they also become ill.
We also want to emphasize that if you are sick, showing symptoms, or are in self-quarantine, do not attend services in person.
In Christ,
The elders
What to Expect When Services Resume On June 7th
General Guidelines
If you are sick or feel you are at-risk by attending, please stay home and watch the livestream at 10am on Sunday.
- Worship times will be 8am and 10am Sunday. Please choose one service to attend.
- There will be no classes or other gatherings, like fellowships, SPARKS at this time.
- Feel free to wear a face mask and/or gloves.
- Please observe social distancing at all times including using the restroom, going to and from your seat, and socializing outside
- There will be special designated seating areas in order to maintain social distancing during worship
- ALL FAMILY MEMBERS SIT AND STAY TOGETHER including the teens. Maintain social distance of 6 feet from other groups or individuals.
- If you desire to socialize, please do so in the parking lot before or after
- A Bible class will be streamed on Sunday, the elders are encouraging all families to watch together at your convenience.
Entering the Building
Please come right in and find a seat in one of the designated seating areas and do not gather in groups. As the auditorium fills up, ushers may direct you to a seat. There will be overflow in the fellowship hall once the auditorium and balcony are full. NOTE THAT USUAL SEATING PLACES MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE.
Lord’s Supper
The portable communion cups will be in trays, please pick one up as you enter. We will partake at the end of service and as you leave, please deposit in the provided trash receptacles.
You may continue to drop off at the building in the outside boxes. The other options are online giving, by mail or there will be a tray provided at the exits for you to use as you leave if you attend at the building on Sunday.
Exiting Procedures
The ushers will dismiss by pew beginning at the rear of the auditorium downstairs. Those in the fellowship hall will need to exit before those in the balcony to maintain the social distance requirements. Once the fellowship hall is clear then the usher will dismiss those in the balcony.
Other Thoughts
There will be a cleaning crew between the two services.
This is all new to each of us and we will get through it together. Therefore, may we all use patience and kindness toward everyone.
The elders wish to thank all of our members ahead of time for your cooperation and understanding.
-The Elders