With dozens of young people, the Arnold church of Christ is a great place to bring your kids up in the Lord!
Led by our youth minister Avery Hackney with support from his wife, Jamie, we offer multiple classes, weekly devotionals, and participate in various service projects.
Annually, the Arnold church of Christ youth group attends youth rallies around the region, Lads to Leaders, and a Teen Campaign.
What is Lads to Leaders? It is a great program that trains young people to preach, teach, and lead singing. It is a great way to provide them with the tools and confidence to lead in these ways.
What is the Teen Campaign? For decades Arnold has organized a spiritually-minded trip for our teenagers. Every summer, they will spend one week working with another congregation as they have need, either with benevolence or evangelism.
We encourage you and your family to get involved today!
Summer Bible Camp
For the last several years, many of the Youth Group has enjoyed a week of Bible Camp each June at the Bootheel Youth Camp. BYC is located in Southeast Missouri near the town of Bloomfield.
Camp sessions are a lot of fun with games, swimming, crafts and other activities. Most importantly, though; each week is filled with teaching and learning from the Bible. There are classes, devotionals, Q&A sessions, lots of singing praises to God and each night concludes with a Bible Bowl. Each year the theme changes and centers on a particular Bible theme.
The youth and the adult counselors eagerly look forward to each year and a great time is had by everyone while learning how to live for and serve God through Jesus Christ.
For more information check out the camp’s Facebook Page and website. (bootheelyouthcamp.com)