Arnold began a prison ministry in 1984 and continues to follow in the grand tradition initiated by men like Leamon Stewart, Bill Patterson, Mitch Murphy, and Travis Quertermous.
Currently, the Arnold volunteers in corrections (VIC) are serving at one facility in Farmington MO. There are plans to expand to other facilities when the service times are made available.
Farmington Correctional Center (FCC)
Sunday Services each week from 1-3pm
The services are done as a class and then a regular service is provided. There are members of the church attending these services.
StoryLink every 3rd Wednesday of each month
This is a program that allows offenders to record short books for a loved one. The recording and book are then sent to them free of charge.
VICs from Arnold are Tom Wessel and Roger Vail
Questions about the prison work? Please get in touch with the church office at office@arnoldcoc.org